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Pope Francis Lands In Washington D.C.

Pope Francis Lands In Washington D.C.

Migrants and refugees flooding into Europe have presented European leaders and policymakers with their greatest challenge since the debt crisis. The International Organization for Migration calls Europe the most dangerous destination for irregular migration in the world, and the Mediterranean the world's most dangerous border crossing. Distinguishing migrants from asylum seekers and refugees is not always a clear-cut process, yet it is a crucial designation because these groups are entitled to different levels of assistance and protection under international law. An asylum seeker is defined as a person fleeing persecution or conflict, and therefore seeking international protection under the 1951…
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5 Big Policy Stories for the Fall

5 Big Policy Stories for the Fall

Migrants and refugees flooding into Europe have presented European leaders and policymakers with their greatest challenge since the debt crisis. The International Organization for Migration calls Europe the most dangerous destination for irregular migration in the world, and the Mediterranean the world's most dangerous border crossing. Distinguishing migrants from asylum seekers and refugees is not always a clear-cut process, yet it is a crucial designation because these groups are entitled to different levels of assistance and protection under international law. An asylum seeker is defined as a person fleeing persecution or conflict, and therefore seeking international protection under the 1951…
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USA Administration Begins Carrying Out Health Plan

USA Administration Begins Carrying Out Health Plan

Migrants and refugees flooding into Europe have presented European leaders and policymakers with their greatest challenge since the debt crisis. The International Organization for Migration calls Europe the most dangerous destination for irregular migration in the world, and the Mediterranean the world's most dangerous border crossing. Distinguishing migrants from asylum seekers and refugees is not always a clear-cut process, yet it is a crucial designation because these groups are entitled to different levels of assistance and protection under international law. An asylum seeker is defined as a person fleeing persecution or conflict, and therefore seeking international protection under the 1951…
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Europe Starts Putting Up Walls

Europe Starts Putting Up Walls

Migrants and refugees flooding into Europe have presented European leaders and policymakers with their greatest challenge since the debt crisis. The International Organization for Migration calls Europe the most dangerous destination for irregular migration in the world, and the Mediterranean the world's most dangerous border crossing. Distinguishing migrants from asylum seekers and refugees is not always a clear-cut process, yet it is a crucial designation because these groups are entitled to different levels of assistance and protection under international law. An asylum seeker is defined as a person fleeing persecution or conflict, and therefore seeking international protection under the 1951…
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Violence Has Forced 60 Million People From Their Homes

Violence Has Forced 60 Million People From Their Homes

Migrants and refugees flooding into Europe have presented European leaders and policymakers with their greatest challenge since the debt crisis. The International Organization for Migration calls Europe the most dangerous destination for irregular migration in the world, and the Mediterranean the world's most dangerous border crossing. Distinguishing migrants from asylum seekers and refugees is not always a clear-cut process, yet it is a crucial designation because these groups are entitled to different levels of assistance and protection under international law. An asylum seeker is defined as a person fleeing persecution or conflict, and therefore seeking international protection under the 1951…
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What Higher Gas Prices Could Do to the Economy

What Higher Gas Prices Could Do to the Economy

Migrants and refugees flooding into Europe have presented European leaders and policymakers with their greatest challenge since the debt crisis. The International Organization for Migration calls Europe the most dangerous destination for irregular migration in the world, and the Mediterranean the world's most dangerous border crossing. Distinguishing migrants from asylum seekers and refugees is not always a clear-cut process, yet it is a crucial designation because these groups are entitled to different levels of assistance and protection under international law. An asylum seeker is defined as a person fleeing persecution or conflict, and therefore seeking international protection under the 1951…
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The Health Effects of Leaving Religion

The Health Effects of Leaving Religion

Migrants and refugees flooding into Europe have presented European leaders and policymakers with their greatest challenge since the debt crisis. The International Organization for Migration calls Europe the most dangerous destination for irregular migration in the world, and the Mediterranean the world's most dangerous border crossing. Distinguishing migrants from asylum seekers and refugees is not always a clear-cut process, yet it is a crucial designation because these groups are entitled to different levels of assistance and protection under international law. An asylum seeker is defined as a person fleeing persecution or conflict, and therefore seeking international protection under the 1951…
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How to Stop Humans From Filling the World With Trash

How to Stop Humans From Filling the World With Trash

Migrants and refugees flooding into Europe have presented European leaders and policymakers with their greatest challenge since the debt crisis. The International Organization for Migration calls Europe the most dangerous destination for irregular migration in the world, and the Mediterranean the world's most dangerous border crossing. Distinguishing migrants from asylum seekers and refugees is not always a clear-cut process, yet it is a crucial designation because these groups are entitled to different levels of assistance and protection under international law. An asylum seeker is defined as a person fleeing persecution or conflict, and therefore seeking international protection under the 1951…
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Corrida é mais benéfica contra o câncer do que se imagina

Um estudo feito pelo Instituto Karolinska, na Suécia, revelou novos impactos positivos da atividade física para a saúde do corpo. A análise, divulgada pela revista científica eLife, demonstrou a relação entre a corrida e a prevenção do câncer. Para a realização da pesquisa, foram injetadas células cancerígenas em ratos. Os cientistas observaram que, nos roedores que foram postos para correr, os tumores não se desenvolveram - diferente do que ocorreu nos animais que se mantiveram sedentários. A explicação para o acontecimento está no funcionamento dos glóbulos brancos que se alteram com a prática do esporte, fortalecendo as células do sistema imunológico, chamadas de T CD8 +, que são capazes…
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Ex-companheira e ex-cunhado foram os mandantes do assassinato de advogado em Caruaru

Ex-companheira e ex-cunhado foram os mandantes do assassinato de advogado em Caruaru

Eles foram presos durante operação da polícia civil, que cumpriu outros mandados de prisão preventiva de outros envolvidos no crimeJosé Isaac Ferreira de Almeida e Isadora Ferreira de Almeida foram os mandantes do assassinato do advogado André Ambróssio Ribeiro Pessoa ocorrido em Caruaru, Agreste do Estado, no último mês de julho. Eles são, respectivamente, ex-cunhado e ex-companheira da vítima, de acordo com informações dadas em coletiva realizada pela Polícia Civil, nesta segunda-feira (1º), na Operação Patronus.O crime foi executado por Ramon Reis da Silva, a pessoa que desceu do veículo e efetuou os disparos. Outras duas pessoas também estão envolvidas no crime, uma delas…
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